Sunday, February 22, 2015


Who does not like money? That is a rhetorical question, not literal. I am sure my dear reader can come up with someone who does not like money, but we need not go there.

So I am holed up, here in my snowy WDC-burb. It is too cold and frozen to paddle. I can not wait to escape back down to Southport or even warmer environs. Get me outta here!

Back to money, I recently updated my on-line profiles, my resume, whatever. I am anticipating a return to the workforce this spring. The original plan was to return to work after taking an Instructor Development Workshop in May. But with one thing or another I decided to start the hunt now. It may take a while to break into a new field. It seemed wise to get a head start.

In the meantime I am working on crafting. When my son moved back in he displaced my painting nook. So mainly I have been sewing, quilting. Some things have gone up on my etsy store and others were made just for us.

work table

the design wall, where I arrange quilts before sewing

ironing is a huge part of quilting, whether bags or traditional quilts

A lap quilt made for my son. It has a foot pocket on the back as per his request

little quilted bag lined in silk

another little bag, this one lined in cotton

A whole group of bags, the little brown bag (bottom right) is deer skin lined in satin. It is the first deer skin bag I have made using my machine. It was surprisingly easy to sew. This one I made for myself, for my contacts case. Deer skin does not water spot, unlike many other leathers, so it was ideal for a case that might occasionally get water drips on it.

So that is what I have been up to lately. The winter is traditionally my art time, and I have been using it. But my thoughts really turn quickly to the water, getting to the water, my boats, my blue world. I hope spring comes soon.

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