Actually, after I hit those baby heads last Wednesday morning I was a little unhinged. After all, one does not expect to find huge piles of enormous basketball sizes sharp rocks piled up a foot high in the middle of a very popular double track. No. The park service is working on a nearby tennis court and apparently thought the huge rocks were a good addition to the trail.
I tried to negotiate my way through but one of the huge buggers shifted under my front tire and I came off, hard, on the right.
The chain ring and my calf had a little date and I hurt my neck. It is Sunday and I am still in a crazy amount of pain. This is the kind of pain that could make a gal renew her nerve meds after she just spent three months going through a terrible tapering period. Actually, I think my arms may fall off. At least, that is the signal my brain is getting from them.
The above photo does not really look impressive at all. There are two deep puncture wounds where the chain ring teeth went straight into the tissue. An hour later the whole thing was a swollen, bloody mess. It did not stop me from finishing our ride though.
My cycling buddy, Dennis, was waiting for me to extract myself from the baby head pile. I found him laying on a huge pyramid of pea gravel down the trail aways with his shirt off. Hey, there is the pea gravel the trail needs! He looked like a very large reptile sunbathing. He sees me limp up and looks at me with narrowed eyes, "okay?" Yeah, just a little mishap on the baby heads back there. "I knew you'd have trouble as soon as I saw them." He rides a really beat up hybrid with 26 inch 2.2 inch tires. I ride a cyclocross bike with 700c 1.25 inch tires. That much smaller high pressure tread makes a real difference when the substrate is loose. Yeah.
So, I stopped to take some flower pictures. Of course.
After all, I do love flowers. It is almost pathological. As long as I can still stand and hold a phone I will be taking flower shots.
And here I am, Sunday night, thinking I need to drag myself off to the kitchen for a huge bag of ice. And I am wondering where those pills went that the ER doc gave me? At least I can avoid some of the pain, maybe.
Tomorrow I get back on my War Horse and ride. I am going to clean up my mountain bike. I can not let a little tiny bike mishap ruin a perfectly good time, right? Right.
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