Tuesday, July 14, 2015

Some pictures and a quick video

I thought I turned a corner a while back but no, indeed. I am still tired and dragging around. But I have been rolling, and paddling almost everyday. I have also been napping a lot. I guess I will eventually be forced to see a doctor if this keeps up.

In the meantime, how about some photos? And let me see if I can get this video to work for you:

Please, dear reader, leave me a comment if it does not work, eh?

My garden grows almost exclusively for the use of birds and bugs. I pick flowers favored by fauna for food. I also allow some weeds and volunteers like ornamental strawberries and snapdragons.

My girl dog spends her evenings on the Lorax's lap. She so loves her Poppy.

This nasty deck and sunroom windows needed hours worth of work to get clean. The constant rain has made everything dirty in a way I never imagined. Eek!

Above the results after a vigorous scrubbing. I have resigned myself to hosing the deck and windows off weekly. At least they are clean on the weekends when we might be sitting out there. Oh, but the skeeters! This year the mosquitos in the backyard have been like no other year. Just today I was outside cleaning up the backyard and after 20 minutes I had to go in. I wore long pants but my bare arms and neck got about 50 bites. That's an average of three a minute. I am so itchy right now!

Lastly below I include some more pet photos. My favorite fur companion is Bob, below. Here a dog tried to squeeze him off the sofa and his response was to lay on the dog's pantaloons.

Torvalds gives me kisses.

Bob, aka, Peg-Leg Pete, Blobbo, Robert, Blobbert...

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