Tuesday, May 10, 2016

Finally, got paddle bags? Want a paddle bag??

For what seems like a few weeks I have been trying to find nice weather to photograph these paddle bags I made for my etsy shop. It has been raining here for weeks. Raining like nothing I have ever seen. Rain, and thunder, and hail.

hail stones on my deck

link to my etsy shop

Besides the muddy dogs, muddy house, it has also prevented me from taking photos for my etsy shop. But finally today there was a break between morning and evening showers. The fence dried out enough for me to hang up my bags and snap some photos.

Before some hypothetical reader asks me why I am bothering to make these, I will just go ahead and talk about it. The commercially available bags generally do not cover a paddle's shafts. I do not want any part of my paddle baking in the sun. My bags also allow water to drain out, not trapping it against the paddle's finish, an important issue.

My own personal bags are the two standing on the ends in the last photo. You may be able to see the salt marks on the green one from saltwater wicking and drying. 'Tis exactly as it should be. I just throw that sucker in the wash every 4 months or so, hang it dry, and presto, paddles cozy and protected.

So if I am not making stuff I am paddling. Find my videos on youtube.

My youtube channel

I gotta do what I do.

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