Friday, September 6, 2019

Hey, I'm back!

I realized after a few months blogging in various formats that I would still like to blog about my artistic process and review some stuff. I still have this space and might as well use it.

It's early September. Traditionally it's the "hat season," when I ramp up production of hats for the Yule season. And I am, working on hats, that is.

The above hat sold as soon as I posted a little video of it on facebook.

This hat shipped to Japan recently.

The hats are selling, but my attention is somewhere else.

I've found a market for sea glass. There's two things to my advantage in the sea glass market. Firstly, I live in an area that has a lot of old glass on the river shores. And secondly, I'm in training and so paddling a bunch by myself. When I'm alone I can easily land over and over to poke around between the low and high tide lines. Two birds in hand, so to speak.


This pursuit has given me great pleasure. I'm out on the river training, paddling hard against the wind and tide, and collecting. I've always been a collector of sorts but have forced myself to shed many of my collections through etsy. Etsy has allowed me to send my treasures to new homes where I know they will be valued. So I can collect, but importantly, NOT KEEP.

Three birds. I've got my ducks in a row.

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