Thursday, April 23, 2015

2015 East Coast Paddlesports and Outdoor Festival Part 1

AKA The Charleston Symposium, the Charleston Paddlefest.

This year we did not know in advance that we would be able to attend the Festival. After last year's Festival it was something I would not have missed for all the world. But then, one thing or another got in my way. I have been looking for a job and did not sign up, in case I was already employed. And my husband has a new contract starting in May and we did not know what might be required pre-employment.

Everything fell into place and we were free to go. The house sitter was available, camping could still be had. Elated, I went to the schedule to choose classes. Oh so sadly, I could not get any of the Master Classes I was interested in. Especially, as my dear reader may know, I would want Nigel Foster classes. All booked. Rats.

So I called Sea Kayak Carolina and Scott answered. He told me I would be "delighted" by the shop's Festival offerings. Indeed I was. I signed the Lorax and myself up for Waveology Open Water Training on Friday and Sunday and Sea Kayak Surfing with Dale Williams on Saturday.

In between classes we planned to paddle on the pond, shop, and schmooze. Somewhere in all that we had hopes of seeing Nigel Foster.

We arrived Wednesday and went to Sea Kayak Carolina's Potluck/Meet and Greet with Nigel Dennis and Eila Wilkinson. There were NDK and SKC hats for sell and it was suggested that we line up to get Nigel to autograph them. He said something like, "I've never been asked to sign anything before," an only-in-America-thing. I bought myself the SKC red hat to go with my red drysuit. And then I had the brilliant idea to get one for my coach, and I got another red one, because he likes red.

At SKC, the Lorax and me, notice I cannot avoid looking goofy? Photo credit Scott S.

Scott Brown, a favorite teacher and student of Dale's, with Nigel and Eila. Photo credit Scott B.

photo: In camp Thursday morning, leisurely coffee and checking the inter-webs. This would be our only relaxed morning.

Thursday we took it easy. We went over to see if we could lend a hand with Sea Kayak Carolina's set up. We gave Jane from the shop a ride. We fit in a nap, and early dinner.

Friday morning found us up at the ungodly hour of 5 am in order to make coffee and eat breakfast and then drive to Folly Beach for the first class.

The following is an edited excerpt from my note to Coach about the class:

It was an interesting class. I was rather comfortable today. More than anything I wanted James to get the chance to play without him worrying about me. It turned out I was one of the most skilled students. I caught quite a few rides, almost flipped twice, but kept it together. 

I learned A) there was a wide range of experience in students today. There were some genuine rescues. B) James needs a really hands-on learning experience. He wanted more input than he got. C) I went in saying I will not flip today, and I made it real.

Video: the Lorax catching some shore break. He throws a little sand roll in at the end. One can hear Eila and others cheering near the end.

After the class ended at noon we went over to the festival and practiced strokes in the "Pond." James took his broken Celtic paddle to Dale. And then, drum roll, James paddled every NDK boat that would fit him. The new model, darn it, whatever it's called? The Latitude? That's the one he liked the most. Of course.

Me in front of the SKC booth

Greg, Nigel and Rick trying to stay both dry under an SKC tent

It's been raining. So we are muddy. Kayaking is not a dry sport. But we are thinking it might be nice to dry out a bit. Everything not contained in dry bags or plastic bins is soggy. This includes our bedding. Sweet.

Dale and Deb are staying with Paula, Greg, and Rick (Waveology) down on Ashley Ave in a different house but close to where we were a month ago. Rick told us we could find them at the Surf Bar tonight, but we are both beat so maybe not.

While we were in the Pond Greg worked on my hanging draw with me. It's getting better but not there yet.  :-) 

I am feeling blessed.

Nigel and Eila said Hi! What lovely people, Eila is so fun. She mesmerized me with her story telling.

(end of note)

We had another early dinner and went to bed by 8 pm. Ridiculous!

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