Monday, July 20, 2015

Mattawoman Creek and American Lotus blossom

Last Saturday eight paddlers assembled at the unfriendly hour of 0830 to launch from the beach at Leesylvania State Park. We planned to cross the Potomac to Mattawoman Creek. From there we would paddle into the marsh lands inside the creek way back to where the American Lotus blooms.

The water was pretty smooth going over, only a light wind but a pair of squall lines were moving up behind us. We knew they were coming and planned to charge across the Po and into the cover of the creek before the storm caught us. We were lucky that we never did get a full stormy effect, the real storm missed us, passing to the north. My lightning strike indicator (smart phone app) said there was a strike 2.5 miles from us just as we reached the docks and ramps of General Smallwood State Park. We pulled out there to wait a half hour after the strike before continuing.

Me at General Smallwood waiting for my crew to launch. I am working pivot turns while waiting and Marc snapped this shot.

Further inside the creek we pulled out at the Mattingly Ave boat ramp to have an early lunch. I checked the coolers in Up A Creek, a paddling outfitter, and came away with an ice cream sandwich and a Gatorade. Okay, maybe not the healthiest lunch but cool and sweet. I capped it off with walnuts and poured the Gatorade into my water.

Marc next to his and my own boats, getting ready to launch after lunch

Some of our crew chose to use the floating dock 

We launched for our destination, another mile into the creek, where there might or might not be blooms. Although we were a tad early we were rewarded with some early blooms and they were spectacular.

Our only tandem team that day, Mike and Nancy, both capable paddlers 

Rob's Frankenstein arms

Marc and Dennis

The Lorax says he does not understand all the fuss about some flowers. He might have been kidding, I am not sure. These flowers bloom for a few weeks every summer. They are well worth a short paddle from Up The Creek, for the less athletic and certainly made a good reason for us to venture out on a sixteen mile trip with currents, waves, and tide. Totally a great reason for a paddle.

Coming back the wind had picked up a bit and we had some chop. We were all glad for the cloud cover and occasional spritz of rain. It turned out to be a wonderful day to be on the water.

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