Wednesday, September 2, 2015

The summer is winding down, hello September

And with the slightly shorter days, my "seasonal depression" popped up.

This year has been different than previous years. For one thing I started crying over every little thing around the second week in August. That is the earliest it has ever reared up. It took me maybe a week to figure out that it was SAD making me, well, sad.

The second thing that is different is this year the symptoms are more physical than before. I am totally beat. I feel like I could sleep all day and all night. As a matter of fact, it is 1 pm and I am barely awake. If I were to lay down I assure my dear reader I would be asleep with in moments.

I saw my doctor and all that. I also ordered one of those light boxes. Holy cow, that thing is bright. I have it next to my bed positioned above my pillows. I have it on a timer. When the thing turns on I am instantly awake. Since I always stretch for 20 minutes before I get up the timer just wakes me up and I do my thing. The first minute or two are really hard to open my eyes. The light is too bright. But then my pupils adjust and I start looking around. After I stretch I check my phone for messages. I try to stretch my time under the light out as long as possible.

I had read differing amounts of time to sit under the light. Somewhere around 40 minutes seems like the most I can take in one sitting. I can not tell if it is working. I am so pooped right now. Maybe I would not even be leaving my bedroom if it were not for the light. I do not know. Yesterday I used the light mid-day for a half-hour while I read. Supposedly it can stave off the midday groggies too. Frankly, I skeptical. My doctor said "it seems like voodoo, I know," but he uses one too.

Last night I slept maybe a hair better, so that's an improvement.

With all this sleeping one would think I have no time to do anything else. Actually, it has been really hard to walk my dogs or go out to paddle. I still have my schedule but am having a hard time sticking to it. Still, I managed to take a few photos as I went about my days:

Tor and James settling in for the night

It is almost cool enough to sit on the deck. The mosquitos are still out though.

My girl friend needs her hair cut!

These next four photos are from Friday evening. Bob, Deke, and I paddled out of Belle Haven over to Old Town Alexandria and then the National Harbor. It was a nice 8.5 mile trip as the sun sank low. Great way to end the week.

Saturday I went out with Deke again. This time we paddled with a mixed group of surf skis, stand up paddle boards, and just Deke and me in regular ol' kayaks. I only took pictures of us leaving Tim's Rivershore because we were playing in the waves and I did not really have a chance to let go of my paddle. I did not want to be "greeting the fishes."

Monday was our boys 6th birthday. James brought home party hats and we put them on the boys for a few moments. Kona was all about eating them. I felt a little sad, knowing they are most likely half-way through their lives now. They are so much a part of our everyday life.

And with that thought, I am going to put on running clothes and head outside with them. I am hoping I am done being pinned down by the SAD, at least for today.

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