Friday, April 3, 2015

My week in photos

With the return of spring comes the spring rains. Today I do not think I will get much done 
around the yard. Maybe no bike ride or paddling, either. Instead, I think I will do some 
functional quilting. A couple of years ago I made a quilted paddle case for a former 
friend. I want one too, and so does the Lorax!

I can not wait to get started on this today. I am glad I photographed it so well, it will help to replicate it.

Capt Kirk adamantly stated he would rather spend spring outside.

A few more flowers have popped

Our dogs have spent hours outside with me as I clean up.

This orange globe is the reason they follow me outside so enthusiastically. I break to throw ball every 20 or 30 minutes
With spring our club has returned to our Wednesday afternoon paddles followed by sinful 5 Guys burgers.

That "stuff the boat" position. I'm sure there is a shot of me somewhere on the inter-webs doing the exact same thing.
Again, with the Captain. I think it's deck party time!
Torvald aka the Big'a Bootay, with the still-bare dogwood tree. When these blooms pop expect pup pics to follow!
Our spoiled love child, Kona

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